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A unique feature of Waldorf Schools throughout the world is that there is no principal or hierarchical structure of the organisation. Instead, the different faculties and formal bodies that have their specific areas of responsibility, tasks and mandates, manage the school. We work on the circle management principle and all decisions are reached by consensus.

College of Teachers                                                                         

The school is administered by the College of Teachers, drawn from teachers in the different faculties committed to the school and Waldorf education. The College is responsible for staffing, pedagogy and the general running of the school. From the College a Chairperson and an Executive Mandate serve for a period of time. The function of the Executive, working with the School BOT and COT secretary, is to prepare the agenda for the weekly College meeting and ensure decisions are carried through, receive correspondence and concerns, and where appropriate direct these to the relevant faculties.  Each faculty of teachers – Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and Learner Support, meets weekly. Representatives from each faculty are part of the College of Teachers.  

 Board of Trustees                                             

The Constantia Waldorf School is registered as a Non-Profit Organisation under the Companies Act.  The Board of Trustees manage and control the financial and legal aspects of the school and also co-ordinate many of the projects that are set up to maintain the efficient running of the school.  The Board consists of a minimum of seven and maximum of 14 members, drawn equally from the College of Teachers and the parent body.  Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and the parent board members serve for 3 years, whereupon they may be re-elected or step down. The Board meets at least once per term and the Board and College also meet together to discuss any part of the running of the school that may require input from both bodies.

 Constantia Waldorf School is a member of the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA), the South African Federation of Waldorf Schools and the International Federation of Waldorf Schools.


Both the College of Teachers and the Board of Trustees hold responsibility for various mandates. The different mandates fulfill vital roles and functions that keep the school working as a collective. Teachers not on the Board of Trustees or College of Teachers may join a mandate in which they have particular skills and interest.  Parents not on the Board of Trustees may volunteer to join a mandate in which they have particular skills and interest as the school is community based. The mandates are accountable to the Board of Trustees and College of Teachers.

Class Representatives

Close communication between parents and teachers is essential to the life and running of the school. Parents are free to make direct arrangements to meet with subject or class teachers.

In addition, each class has at least one representative (a parent) who acts as a link between the teacher/guardian and the parents on certain matters and this group meets once a term. Class Reps help to nurture an ethos of positivity, warmth and transparency in the class community and are an important help to the teacher. An important function of the Rep, in conjunction with the teacher, is to initiate and co-ordinate activities, which are aimed at raising money for the class fund or building a spirit of community within the class. They can also be of considerable help to other parents as they are a source of information regarding the aims of the school, organisational structures and the unique features of Waldorf Education. They also can pass on any specific concerns or queries from parents to the class teacher.  

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