We offer a variety of afterschool activities to various age groups. Below is a list of all these activities including contact details and for some, a direct sign-up opportunity.
Extra mural music lessons: Lesson costs and times vary, but you can contact the music teachers directly for all inquiries.
Piano, Singing, and Accordion: Ingrid Salzmann, 073 884 5352 or e-mail her at ingridsalzmann@gmail.com.
Singing and Voice: Keaton Manwaring offers voice to students of all ages including adults. Contact 076 851 8947 or e-mail him at kmmanw@gmail.com.
Violin: Saskia Snyckers, 072 257 7016 or e-mail her at saskia.arvada@gmail.com.
Piano, Cello, Music Theory and Matric Music: Luzaan Beer is our Matric music teacher. Contact 073 355 4165 or e-mail her at luzaanbeer@gmail.com.
Guitar: Dylan Fine, contact 072 091 1566.
School Orchestra takes place on Thursdays at 12:30 till 13:30 in the Centennial Hall. It is open to anyone who plays an orchestral instrument and is willing to commit to the weekly rehearsals. Parents are welcome to join.
Primary School Choir rehearses on a Thursday from 13:30 until 14:15 in the Class 5 classroom and is open to any child from Classes 4 to 7.
The Parent/Teacher Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7pm until 8:30pm in the Centennial Hall, with the smaller Vocal Ensemble rehearsing from 8:30 to 9pm. All parents, HS students, teachers, and wider community members are welcome to join. All we ask is for whatever commitment our busy lives can manage, plus a sense of humour and a love of singing together.
There is no cost involved in joining the choirs or orchestra. This year we will be working on collaborations between the two choirs and the orchestra. We are looking forward to some really great music-making this year. Please feel free to contact Paula Megaw at paula@waldorfconstantia.co.za.
The Outdoor Classroom: is always a much loved extra mural space for the younger child. Outdoor Classroom is open daily, from Monday to Friday, 12:30 to 2:30pm @ the cost of R160 per lesson. As always, we will be cooking up all sorts of delicious dishes and treats on the fire and in our ovens.
In addition, it will be the usual fun in the mud-pit, go-cart races, tractor rides, team cook-offs, outdoor diamond hunts, animal care, arts and crafts and lots more “back-to-basics”, “old-school” fun. Primary School children of all ages as well as Kindergarten Butterflies who are 6 years of age (Biggies), are welcome to attend as regularly as suits, with a discounted rate for more frequent attendance. Please contact Junita directly for further information, questions or queries regarding payment, indemnities, special dietary requirements, etc. at classroom.outdoor@gmail.com.
Kindergarten and Primary School Aftercare: is offered on a pre-paid voucher system as stipulated in the Aftercare Information letter that was sent out at the start of Term 1. Please ensure to obtain your pre-paid vouchers from Junita (junita@waldorfconstantia.co.za) in the finance office.
CWS Parent Community Mornings: Parents are warmly invited to join our parent community mornings on Thursdays from 8 am (drop-off) to 9:45 am (or part thereof) held at the Primary School Aftercare.
Afterschool Games and Sports
Circus Skills: In circus skills we do basic acrobatics, tumbling, human pyramids, mini-trampoline, juggling and more. It is aimed at developing the lower senses; touch, life, movement and balance as well as developing self confidence, agility, strength, flexibility and skills. It is non-competitive and promotes a healthy social life of co-operation and enjoyment.
Flying Trapeze at Constantia Waldorf School: In 1992 Brent and Laurence, the founding directors of Zip Zap Circus School, returned to South Africa after running circus and flying trapeze programs internationally and built a state-of-the-art flying trapeze rig. Lionel Chanarin, director of Living Arts Foundation and founder of Sisonke Social Circus, joined Zip Zap and learned flying trapeze from the age of 11 on that same rig.
The rig is designed to be able to facilitate public with no previous experience with flying trapeze. Brent and Laurence opened the rig to the public at the V&A Waterfront where Lionel learned how to operate the rig safely for public participants.
After a highly successful 4 years running the flying trapeze at Stellenbosch Waldorf School, Lionel, together with Karen Mellet, also an experienced flying trapeze facilitator, are proud to be running flying trapeze experiences at Constantia Waldorf School.
Flying trapeze is the ultimate aerial acrobatic art. It is an exciting, adventure activity, which is both challenging and fun, and at the same time accessible to everyone, no matter fitness or experience. For those who dare to participate, whether casually or more seriously, it acts as a catalyst for self-development. One becomes acquainted with one’s self in a way not possible elsewhere. The beautiful, graceful, flowing movements, the timing, the trust developed between flyer and catcher, are a spectacle to behold.
The rig is operated and maintained by highly trained and specialised professionals with Lionel Chanarin as the rig master. Despite the spectacular and exhilarating nature of the experience, it is, in fact, quite safe. Participants learn progressively and at their own rate. Participants are harnessed into safety lines, which are operated manually, and they have a soft net in which to land. The equipment is checked and maintained before and after every flying session.
We will be hosting beginners’ classes for Term 1 and then add intermediate and advanced classes as students progress. There will also be classes and open flying sessions for adults and enthusiasts; look out for notices in the Grapevine. We are also available for private bookings for groups, birthdays, functions, teambuilding, class activities, etc. For bookings please email: flyingtrapeze.laf@gmail.com.
Coach Tulani and all his coaches offer a variety of sporting activities after school such as ‘movement’ for the littlies, tennis, athletics, cricket, basketball, and volleyball. Please see all emailed communications that are sent out on a regular basis. We encourage every student to participate and come and enjoy some afternoon sporting exercise and fun.