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There’s digging and boring, pruning and prepping happening on the school grounds. It’s the start of the Boundless Beauty Gardening Project. In 2025, we’ll be beautifying our school by planting colourful blooms and greenery across the property. We’re busy sinking a borehole which will allow us to maintain our new green spaces around the school more sustainably and cost-effectively. We’re already busy with landscaping and the digging of flowerbeds, and a nursery has been set up to create a steady supply of plants and trees. The project is led by Derek Oxlee, and supported by our Grounds Staff and new Gardening Mandate. We invite you to roll up your sleeves and join in! At upcoming parents’ evenings you will be able to sign up to volunteer. We are also looking to grow our nursery. Share plants from your own garden or an indigenous tree from your favourite nursery to help us colour-in our school!

Please find our plant wishlist below.

Our Tree Run

The 15th of the month of Shevat, on the Jewish calendar, which is celebrated this year on Thursday, 13th of February, marks the beginning of a “new year” for trees. On this day we remember that “man is a tree of the field”, and we reflect on the lessons we can derive from trees. There is also a tradition of planting trees on this day. The gardening subcommittee would like to use this Jewish celebration to do a tree run at our school with the goal and intention of planting a tree for every child on our property during the next 6 months. Trees can be purchased on the 13th Feb at the entrance of our school – details to follow next week.

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